Get to know…Tracy and Link

We asked our leading lovebirds Rebecca Mendoza (Tracy Turnblad) and Edward Chitticks (Link Larkin) their pre-show routines, what advice they would give their teenage self and what they were really like at school.

Who/What inspired you to become a performer?
Rebecca: From a very young age my mum put me into dance classes and my love for performing began then. Hoylake School of dance became a second home and my love for musical theatre grew stronger. Without that school I wouldn’t be the performer I am now.
Edward: No-one really. I fell into it by accident. I used to do martial arts but they couldn’t afford rent. The space was taken over and so I started singing.
Do you have any pre-show/backstage habits?
Rebecca: I always get really nervous about 5 mins before I go on so I have to give myself a little pep talk and say a quick message to my Nan and Granddad who have passed away and that calms me.
Edward: I like to psych myself up by shouting affirmations at the mirror…kidding :). Eat some food, take a hot shower and get ready!
What is your dressing room essential?
Rebecca: A picture of my family.
Edward: Toothpaste, mints, breath spray (for the kissing scenes!).
At school, were you one of the nicest kids in town or were you more likely to be in detention?
Rebecca: I was very good in school. I was head girl!
Edward: Absolutely a nicest kid but I was still the cheekiest person in the room.
What is your favourite dance move?
Rebecca: The Worm
Edward: The ‘hey baby you look like you could use a stiff one’
What was your favourite TV show when you were a teenager?
Rebecca: Saved by the Bell!
Edward: The Corny Collins Show
What would you say to your teenage self?
Rebecca: Ignore what people say you can’t do because you will prove them all wrong. Believe in yourself and learn to love yourself more.
Edward: Don’t take everything so seriously and ALWAYS BE YOU!
Describe hairspray in three words?
Rebecca: Life-changing, hilarious, fun!
Edward: Highly volatile, flammable, mould breaking. I’ll let you work out whether I am talking about the product or the show!