Get to know… Edna and Wilbur Turnblad

We spent 5 minutes with our Timeless duo, Matt Rixon (Edna Turnblad) and Norman Pace (Wilbur Turnblad) to find out their favourite dance moves and how they would describe Hairspray in 3 words…

Who or what inspired you to be a performer?
Matt: My Dad is an actor and my mum was a drama teacher so I grew up in theatres – I was inspired by all the amazing theatre folk I met as a child.
Norman: I was in a school play at the age of 5 and was instantly hooked on showing off. I’m still doing it but now they pay me!
Do you have any pre show habits?
Norman: I like to be on my own from the quarter hour call. Indeed to concentrate…get in the zone!
What is your dressing room essential?
Matt: Me!
Norman: A bed…or a floor. I need to lie down and listen to radio 5 live.
At school, were you a Nicest Kid in Town or more likely to be in detention?
Matt: Definitely in detention!
Norman: A foot in both camps
What is your all time favourite dance move?
Matt: Sitting down with a cup of tea
Norman: Walking…I think I’ve mastered it.
As a teenager, what was your favourite TV show?
Matt: Anything by Monty Python
Norman: Monty Python
If you could give a message to your teenage self, what would it be?
Matt: I have 4 children and don’t know what advice to give them so I wouldn’t have a clue what to say to myself. Probably ‘Carry on until found out!’
Norman: Don’t try so hard.
And finally, how would you describe Hairspray in 3 words?
Matt: Ready. Steady. Go!
Norman: Effusive, Extraordinary, Effervescent